Monday, September 20, 2010

A mixed pumpkin display

Here are some good 'ol pumpkins. Except, I made some blue ones, some white ones, and some dark green speckled ones. I should have made some misshapen ones, too!


  1. They are lovely, I enjoy all the colors. I have never seen a blue pumpkin before. I will have to watch for them at the grocery store this year. You certainly have an exceptional talent with miniature food.

  2. Fantastic and real.
    You are a witch, who transforms the polymer clay in small real things!

  3. Are the blue pumpkins real? I mean are there really blue ones cos you sure made them believably real.

  4. Fantastic pumpkins!!!
    Tu trabajo está siempre muy bien hecho!!!

  5. Thanks you gals!!!!

    Susan, yes!! It's a Jarrahdale

  6. Lov'em Kiva...I have been hooked on making these babies, this year...made around 80 and still feeling the urge to make more!!!
    Need to get out more!

  7. Hey Mags, yes!!!! For some reason, kind of like mushrooms, they are addictive, aren't they?? You've made great ones as well!! There ate do many varieties and shapes, love it!!!

  8. Beautiful as always, Kiva! I never cease to be amazed by your work, the detail and realism are just stunning.

    - Grace

  9. Awesome pumpkins!

    I made cores for mine yesterday (I'm carving some as Jack O'Lanterns), but I have to finish a CDHM swap project before I can start on them. Bleh.

    So... do you look at seed/plant catalogs too?

  10. ¡Muy bonitas! Me gusta este conjunto con muchos colores.
    Besos Clara

  11. I am like you guys. I never saw blue pumpkins, or white ones for that matter, but Keaver showed me real pictures last night of different pumpkin colors, and I was amazed! Her pumpkins are pretty damn accurate and real looking. Not that everything she makes isn't, hehe...

  12. Wonderful pumpkins and I love all the colours...I've seen some weird looking pumpkins too! ;o)) I love the basket you have put them in, really rustic and perfect.

    I received my mini basket of the little fella's!!!! :o))))))) Mighty thrilled I must say!

    Michelle xx

  13. Perfect Pumpkins!!! So very real looking, like everything you make. You make me want to get a damn dollhouse Kiva, just so I can fill it up with your cool stuff, LOL.

  14. Awww Grace, right back at ya babe!!! Which reminds me, I must go buy more cool books from you ;-)!!

    Blitherypoop (I lurve the name!!), hell yes!! Heirloom ANYHING!!!!

    Muchas gracias, Marina and Clara!!

    Michelle, I am SO happy that you like them!! YEA!!

    Kristy, I hear you, sister!! I miss my old dollhouses :-(. Ok, maybe not the ones I used to own, which were erm....rather crude, but I NEED a new one damnit!! We should get ourselves one soon...or at least a frigging roombox. I have a 1/4" scale roombox, but I need a 1/12" too!!

  15. "swee mak mak". there's another phrase for you to learn ;) maybe your mom's heard of it! :P

    (it's GOOD! not a swear phrase, i swear ;) )

  16. Thanks, Kiva. :) Futurama was the best... until the new ones. Bleh. It's not from my favorite episode, but Farnsworth says it and he's by far my favorite character.

    I think it's kinda funny that we both made blue veggies. And thanks for following me. :)
