Thursday, September 2, 2010

Here's my clay drawer


  1. LOL, okay you have me beat in the clay department. I only have two very small drawers of scrap clay, one small drawer of doll sculpting clay, and a suitcase type thing for my colored clay (premo, fimo, etc). There are also little baggies of clay mixes lying around all over the place that I thought I would use again, but I can't remember what in the heck I used them for in the first place, lol.

  2. fruity pebbles! XD

    man that's ALOT of clay. do you think you'll ever finish up the 'cereal'? XD

  3. So how looooooong was it? I put my ear next to the speakers and heard almost everything!

    These videos are seriously fun- educational and so darn funny :):).

  4. You guys, I wish you could see the clay drawer up close and personal! Then again, maybe not. One of these days, I am going to take out all the clay and dump the rest. But I feel guilty :-/. I am a clay hoarder.

    Kristy, I'm sure I have 5 or 6 year old clay! And yes, the frigging baggies!!! Old ass fruit canes, anyone??

    Cindy, NEVER. At least, in this lifetime ;-)!!

    Susan, I wonder why the sound is so low on your end?? I do use software for cranking up the volume. I usually use it on downloaded (and burned)movies and stuff, but I'm sure it would work on these vids. Do you use headphones? I always do, because my sister's music drowns out anything I try to listen to on my computer.

  5. holy clay batman! I'm always happy to see other people have "hoards" of supplies- makes me feel more normal :) I love all of your bracelets- and thank you so much for your kind words about my flowers ♥

  6. Ha sido muy divertido verte con tu arcilla y cajón repleto.
    Besos Calra

  7. Kiva, it's the Mac. Known issue (especially when I am using Windows platform) . Have to use a plug and play speaker or headphone to hear well and my headphone just broke cos I slept with them ..haha!

  8. WOOOOW...that´s really a lot of clay. Can´t even imagine how much minifood can be made out that load. Can I ask a question? Is it a tattoed bracelet I saw around your wrist?

  9. Man!!! That is a lot of I don't feel like such a clay hog!!!
