Thursday, March 31, 2011

Everything but the kitchen sink?

I put this octopus in a bowl of water, but he looked a little lonely, so I kept adding stuff to keep him company. No bootles of booze this time!!


  1. I already told you that I'm able to eat octopuss as nonchalantly I did before, you have made them alive and cute. Now I feel an assassin!

  2. I wanted to say : I am NOT able

  3. Increadible good !!! I think that's my favourite piece with octupusses ;-)!Hugs,Jeannette x

  4. You have made them alive. very very cool. Increadible good!

  5. I have been thinking to tell that Kiva’s creation is always my top choice! Love everything you make!


  6. Hey Keaver. I wonder if he can still get drunk by eating the puffer/box fish???

  7. Ahhhhh!!! I LOVE them so much!! You always do such an amazing job!!


  8. I can't imagine how BRAVE the first person was that pulled one of these out of the sea and said... I think I'll eat it. OMG!!!!!!!!!!!

    As always... Beautiful work!!!

  9. I just love it! Especialy those little yellow fishes (don't know their name in English) are sooo lovely!

    Hugs Jollie

  10. OMG!!! Why is blogger SO SLOW?? Is it just me?? I can barely leave any comments on mother blogs, much less get anywhere! WTF??

    Rosanna, LOL!!!!!!!! I love octopus, too ;-). An assasin!! That cracks me up!!

  11. Thank you Jeannette and Jeannette and Amber and Jollie ;-)!

    Catherine, I know, right?? At first glance, surely it didn't look edible??

    Hey Peiwen, I got to see your beautiful fish!!! You did a kickass job, sweetie!! We have to talk Cindy into doing some too. She doesn't think she can do it, but I think we KNOW that she can make anything she sets her mind to ;-)

  12. Lancer, not drunk, maybe zombified, haha!!!

  13. wakakaka!!! i LOVE it!! it does remind me a little of 'finding nemo' though...i'm not sure why, my synapses are weirdly linked.....

    gah. fish. *intimidated*
