Monday, August 9, 2010

Oyster shucking board

Three years later, here's a new post! My God, I have been horrible with keeping up the blogging lately :-/. Sometimes, I go into a "tunnel" and it takes me awhile to come out again. But here's one of my oyster shucking boards. I made this because I have been eating alot of oysters lately. Fried and steamed, mind you, not raw (no matter how I dress those puppies up, I still can't eat them!).


  1. ¡Perfectas! Ni me puedo imaginar el tiempo que habras usado en hacerla, con tantos colores. Me encantan. ¡Y yo si puedo comerlas!. Besos Clara

  2. Kiva, your oysters are perfect!! I don't/won/t can't eat oysters, but that doesn't stop me enjoying yours to the full!! :)

  3. Se ven tan deliciosas!!!
    Te han quedado perfectas, me encantan.
    besitos ascension

  4. I love oysters. Especially oyster omelettes with sour chilli :). Loads of zinc, good for bones :). Not great for waist and butt :). Yours are perfect , my friend :) I especially love those shells!!

    And I am glad to see you slowly crawling out of the hole :).

  5. They are perfectly beautiful!!! Your shells are just amazing. I can't believe there is something you can't eat after all the other things you have talked about. LOL

  6. They are perfect! But I'm not eating oysters, raw or cooked, lol.
    You know Kiva, if you really want to eat blood cubes some day you should prep yourself by getting used to eating raw slimy oysters! ;D

  7. Thanks you guys!!!
    Hey susan, that actually sounds yummy, especially with chili sauce. I never would have thought of combining eggs and oysters!

    LOL!!!! Kristy, blood cubes!!! I honestly think I would eat blood cubes over raw oysters...I'm dead serious. I like my steak raw ;-).

  8. Wait, I mean medium rare, but more rare. Not raw, unless it's Carpaccio :-D

  9. beautiful and realistic as ever,you are a myth also in Italy, thanks for sharing with us your creations
